In 2013, the total population of Atikamekw is estimated to 6 800 people spread over the three communities of Manawan, Wemotaci and Opitciwan. Approximately 2 600 people live in Manawan.
We can notice in the Great Registry of Wemotaci, 1865-1902, that there are people who live in Manawan in 1884. That is how Onezime Dubé (widower of Geneviève Kaweasiketc) of Manawan and Madenen Iskwejic (widow of Thoma Tcigami) of Kikendatc, got married on July 19th 1884, in Wemotaci and they were witnessed by Jako Kijenagosi and Mani Sosette.
On July 27th 1884, baptism of Joseph Édouard Peron in Manawan, born on January 3rd 1884, son of Médéric Péron and Émilie Lavoie. Godparents : Charles Meaiaosetc and Christine Rochelot.
Families of particular interest to us are the Newashish, Nipinatcac, Kawaasiketc, Pemawe, Kitciko and Kamisino families. These are the families that founded Manawan.
Some family names (of Metapeckeka before and after 1906).
- Djaowagan (Ottawa, like André or François (Paransoe)),
- jidjikwe (daughter of André Djaowagan or André Ottawa),
- Dubé (Joseph or Jos, mixed-race, his mother Geneviève was the daughter of Louis Ka Wiasiketc), Edjakwan, Etcakwan (Echaquan)
- Enimitc or Ininitc (family name of Ursule’s mother Newashish),
- Flamand (Alexis and Charles), Kamissino Ka Wiasiketc or Kaweasiketc, Ka Wiyasiketc (prepare the meat, is it the Boucher family of today?), Kitciko, or Kitjigou (Rochelot, the missionaries had difficulty writing some names), Kokine (Kougine),
- Kokokoho (Coocoo) Kwawecit, Kwedjic, Kwetcic, Kwetcitc, Kwewecic, Ouetick (Quitich or Quitish)
- Majesk or Macesk,
- Micen (Michel),
- Moar (Moore, More),
- Napowetc, Nabowetc, Nabowetsh (parent of the Ottawa),
- Newashish, Neweacitc, Neywashish (Newashish),
- Nikweto (Nequado),
- Ottawa (Djaowagan, like François or Paransoe (Pransawe) or André), descendants of
- Napowetc,
- Pemawe (Pemwe),
- Pirecic, Pirejic, Pinecic, Pinencic, Pineshish (Ottawa),
- Pirejic or Pirew (Pinew, in some writings of missionaries),
- Pijikwe, Pitcikwi, Pitshikwi, Pittikwi (Petiquay),
- Rochelot, Rushleau (Kidjigou or Kitciko),
- Wabistan, Wapictan,
- Wasikicikw, Wasekicik, Wasekijik,
- Wickitcan, Wishkwatshan.